When The Today Show called me and said they needed a temporary tattoo for a gag as part of the tattoo story, I was immediately intrigued.
NBC's Co-Anchor Jenna Wolfe was featuring a story about more women getting tattooed much later in life. After visiting a NY local tattoo shop to get the scoop on these tattooed grannies, Jenna hits the chair to receive her own permanent ink and is ready to reveal her very own "I Love Matt"(as in Matt Lauer) traditional anchor. Of course, I would design and apply the temporary tattoo using Temptu Pro Dura Inks just for the fun of the story since Jenna explained she is not quite ready for the real ink yet. Waiting to get your tattoo until you are older is one option, but you can always try out a temporary tattoo before hitting the needle!
Check out the Monday morning tattoo story on The Today Show.