Wonder Woman has become the perfect symbol of a strong, independent woman with the best indestructible accessories. Since the 1940's, this Amazon princess has been striving to bring the ideals of love, peace, and sexual equality to a world torn apart by war and hatred while wearing a tiara. Created in WWII when the world needed hope and heroes, the country received a heroine. Considered one of the first female superheroes created, Wonder Woman continues to be feminist icon after 70 years and inspires women and men all over the world.
This Glamazon princess has always been my personal favorite comic heroine and already have her inked onto my leg. In reading the recent reissued Wonder Woman comics, I felt compelled to honor her with a portrait with my own tattoo twist. I had so much fun with this piece, I will continue to produce my favorite comic heroes and villains.
Limited Edition prints with be available for purchase soon....
Wonder Woman
Ink and Paper