Not only do I love the movies, I am obsessed with films that feature tattoos.
March Movie Month will be dedicated to Tattoos in Film in which I will discuss tattoo moments in cinema.
For decades several different cultures have featured tattoos in many genres. Most of the tattoos in movies are temporary and painted with makeup which evolved into the creation of tattoo transfers. When an actor is required to wear one or several tattoos it can amplify the mood and energy of the character in the film.
A perfect example is Robert De Niro in the iconic remake Cape Fear. Robert De Niro plays the pyschopathic ex-con Max Cady, a convicted rapist seeking vengeance on Sam Bowden, the public defender who locked him away for 14 years. De Niro was covered in gritty, jailhouse style tattoos with Biblical phrases of betrayal and vengeance created by Temptu.
Check back for the next movie installment!