zzzZZZZZZRRRRrrreeeekkkk!!!! The sound of a tattoo machine can be intimidating but it isn't very often the tattoo artist is a crazed maniac obsessed with covering your entire body with tattoos.
In the 1981 thriller Tattoo, Bruce Dern plays Karl Kinsky, a soft spoken tattoo artist who is commissioned to paint temporary tattoos on models for a fashion shoot (wink, wink). Maddy is one of the models and is intrigued with the mysterious tattoo artist. Karl quickly becomes obsessed with her beauty, his perfect canvas. Determined to have her wear his eternal mark, she is kidnapped and held hostage. While she is in captivity, Karl completes his full body masterpiece. After viewing her tattoo covered body, Maddy devises a plan to escape, ending in a deadly fight for freedom.
Discovering this movie had a profound influence on my career. The idea of someone creating temporary tattoos for films blew my mind! As a young artist still finding my voice, I began working closely with Temptu, the original creators of the tattoos in film. I fell madly in love with the endless possibilities of temporary tattoos. Through the years, I have dedicated my skills to developing a unique niche of creating tattoo imagery both on and off the camera. So far I haven't kidnapped anyone...or have I?