The 1950's gave birth to a new subculture of Rock n' Roll and rebels. Teenagers were developing a new voice to break through the pristine repression of society. "Greasers" were stereotyped as the new breed of juvenile delinquents. With slicked hair, tight jeans, leather jackets and motorcycle boots, a Greaser would not be complete without his rebel trademark the tattoo. Getting a tattoo is the last necessary element to prove toughness and machismo.
Kitch film maker John Waters was well versed in the uprising subculture while growing up in Baltimore during the '50s. Waters included these elements while creating his teen parody Cry Baby.
The classic Romeo and Juliet story is surrounded with a strong division between the working class "Drapes" and uptight traditionalist known as "Squares". Johnny Depp debuts in the musical role as Cry Baby, who falls in love with Alison the Square. The teary-eyed renegade is forced to challenge the town bully to prove his love and win the girl.